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Chronic Wasting Disease Found In Hunt Areas On West Side Of Big Horn Mountains

Those who go hunting in the Big Horn Basin might not be able to harvest the meat from their kill.
The Wyoming Game and Fish Department has confirmed the presence of chronic wasting disease in Elk Hunt Areas 47 and 49, which are on the west side of the Big Horn Mountains.
The disease was detected about 3 weeks ago in two hunter-harvest bull elk.
Elk Hunt Area 47 is located southeast of Thermopolis and northeast of Shoshoni, while Elk Hunt Area 49 is located East of US Highway 20, between Lucerne (Loo-sir-n) and Worland.
Both of those areas are bordered by areas that previously detected CWD in elk, including one area that’s in western and southwestern Johnson County.
Chronic Wasting Disease is a contagious, neurological disease that affects deer, elk and moose by causing a degeneration of the brain.
The Centers for Disease Control recommends hunters do not consume any animal that is obviously ill or tests positive for CWD.
Continued monitoring of CWD over time is important to help Game and Fish understand the potential impacts of the disease, as well as evaluate future management actions for deer and elk.
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Mark Steingass
November 2, 2022 at 12:44 pm
it’s everywhere…too much inbreeding over a long period of time