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City Of Sheridan To Apply For Remediation Loan For Landfill

Some underground cleanup work needs to be done at both the Sheridan Landfill and the old one.
Recently the Sheridan City Council approved a resolution to apply for a Clean Water State Revolving Fund for Remediation Corrective Measures.
Three problems causing groundwater impacts have been discovered at both the current and old landfill locations, in which some areas are unlined.
The first is by the Old Sheridan Landfill located where the Dog and Cat Shelter sits.
A proposed solution is to install vertical wells in an effort to dewater the area and discharge it into an evaporation pond.
The second is an old landfill trench located north of the Landfill’s Administrative Building.
The third is in the T1 through T6 disposal cells along the northwest boundary of the existing landfill.
It has been suggested for the latter 2 problems, that the waste in those areas be moved to a new area of the landfill, that landfill administrators hope to open in 2024.
Sheridan Utilities Director Dan Roberts says the city is part of the state’s landfill remediation program, meaning the state by way of the Wyoming DEQ’s Hazardous Waste Division, would provide 75% of the costs, with the city picking up the other 25%.
“The state in total are $14,786,000 to do those 3 projects, with the city’s share of that would be roughly $3.7 million, so that is the amount of the request, for the clean water loan”
Wyoming is a no impact state meaning groundwater from one site which exceeds any Groundwater Protection Standards, can not leave the site and impact another area, until the impact is mitigated and brought to below Groundwater Protection Standards.
Roberts says in the loan application, the city will request a 25% principal forgiveness or a 1.25% interest on the loan, compared to 2.5%, if principal forgiveness is not available.
Repayment of the loan if approved would come from landfill rate revenues and the landfill closure-post closure fund.