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Sheridan City Council Seeking Loan To Prepare New Area Of Landfill For Waste Disposal

As one area of the Sheridan Landfill fills up, another area must soon be prepared to be used.
The Sheridan City Council approved Resolution 52-22 to authorize a Clean Water State Revolving Fund loan application, in the amount of $4.115 million to fund the construction of Cell 10 Phase 1 at the Landfill.
Currently the city is disposing of its municipal waste within Cell 9, and that area is anticipated to reach the end of its disposal life in 2024.
The design of the project is being completed and the City Utilities Department is seeking permitting approval through the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality Solid and Hazardous Waste Division.
City Utilities Director Dan Roberts says Cell 10 is within the landfill boundary, and it would be filled by community waste disposal over the course of the next 56 years.
“Phase 2 would be further to the east and then Phase 3 would be to the northeast and Phase 4 would be back onto the closed cell that we have.”
The money from the loan would cover the cost of bidding, construction, and construction administration services in Phase 1.
Roberts says it is expected the project will be ready for bidding this coming February.
In the loan application, the city will request a 25% principal forgiveness or a 1.25% interest on the loan, compared to 2.5%, if principal forgiveness is not available.
Repayment of the loan will come from landfill rate revenues and capital reserves.