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Northern WY Community College District Fall 2022 Enrollment Numbers Up Despite National Trend

The fall 2022 semester within the Northern Wyoming Community College District started a little less than 1 month ago, and so far enrollment numbers have been trending upward.
Comparing numbers from this semester versus fall of last year, the number of students that are full term enrolled is up about 4% and the headcount is up by a little more than 9%.
That includes both Sheridan College campuses and Gillette College.
A national study has suggested that the enrollment trend in 2-year colleges is down.
District President Doctor Walter Tribley says the District as well as the other 2-year colleges in Wyoming are bucking the trend and explains what’s going right for Sheridan College.
“Big strong push in our high schools. Our high school partners in Johnson County, our high school partners in Sheridan County, that really actually was the strongest data point difference, between last year and this year, is a very strong enrollment in dual and concurrent.”
Comparing fall 2022 numbers vs. 2 years ago, show that full-term enrollment in the district is up 0.6% and student headcount is up 5%.