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Boat Check Stations Beginning Fall 2022 Shutdown

With the weather starting to cool down and fall not far away, there will be fewer boats out on Wyoming’s waters, but out of state boaters still have to have their boats checked.
The Wyoming Game and Fish Department has announced that a number of their aquatic invasive species check stations are starting to close until next spring or are reducing their hours of operations.
Those bringing a boat into Wyoming for a fall fishing trip, or other water activity, must still have their boats inspected by an authorized inspector prior to launching, and must continue to do so, until the end of November.
A Wyoming Game and Fish spokes-person says there is still a concern about zebra mussels, because they can negatively impact ecosystems.
Any boat that has been a body of water that has been infected by zebra mussels within the last 30 days, must undergo an inspection at all times of the year.
In Sheridan County, the Game and Fish Office located near the I-90 and 5th Street exit is open year round for inspections.
The boat check station at the Sheridan Rest Area is scheduled to close at the end of October.
There are also a number of private inspectors that can be used as well.
Click here for a map of inspection locations.