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Acme Power Plant Reclamation Efforts Continue Despite A Few Delays

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Work is continuing in reclaiming the area of the old Acme Power Plant, as well as removing a diversion within the adjacent Tongue River.

Recently contractors had been studying the area to see if the diversion could be fully removed, and the Sheridan County Conservation District was awarded a $585,000 cleanup grant from the EPA for asbestos abatements within the old power plant buildings.

District Manager Carrie Rogaczewski says the district is hopeful to make progress on the diversion this fall, but there have been a few small legal obstacles that have gotten in the way.

Carrie Rogaczewski

“We’ve run into a few delays with the permitting, entities, and some additional information that they are requesting, and we’re working through those processees, so we’re still hopeful later this fall that that will be able to be addressed. We do have the funding in place to do it from various partners and multiple grants, so it’s just getting through the permitting hurdles for that process right now.”

Recently Rogaczewski attended the National Brownfields Training Conference in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma where she gave a brief presentation on the Acme Power Plant Reclamation Efforts.

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