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Chip Sealing Projects Underway On NE Wyoming Highways

Motorists in northeast Wyoming could experience short delays on various highways as construction crews work to extend the life of the pavement.
WYDOT has announced that the annual chip sealing projects have started, and more than 30 locations in the northeast part of the state will have work done.
All in all about 75 miles of highway will be chip sealed between now and the end of August.
Various roads include Parkman Road, US Highway 14 west of Dayton, as well as areas of I-90 west of Gillette, and near the towns of Moorcroft and Sundance.
Motorists traveling these routes should expect short delays as they navigate through these paving operations.
Pilot cars will escort motorists through work zones at lower speeds so as not to kick up gravel that could potentially result in broken windshields.
Motorists are advised to also avoid the black asphalt emulsion and to maintain a respectable distance behind the car ahead of them.