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Sheridan County Seeking Proposals For Ambulance Service

Sheridan County is now on the same time line with the city of Sheridan in terms of ambulance service.
The County Commissioners have extended the county’s contract with Rocky Mountain Ambulance until November 17th.
It was originally set to expire at the end of this month.
County Administrative Director Renee’ Obermueller says low staffing numbers within Rocky Mountain Ambulance is why the county will seek proposals from other ambulance service companies, but that doesn’t mean Rocky Mountain Ambulance is out of the picture.
“The extension through November just simply going to give us time to advertise the RFP to obtain proposals, review proposals, and then go forward with a new contract. Should it be with Rocky, or another company, that remains to be seen.”
Obermueller adds the county intends to use the same ambulance service that the city of Sheridan intends to use.
The city is waiting for proposals to come in, before a decision is made.
City Attorney Brendon Kerns says the current contact is not meeting the needs of the city or the service.