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Court Orders Wolf Hunting and Trapping Regulations In Montana To Temporarily Revert Back To Pre-2021

On Tuesday (November 15th), a District Court in Lewis and Clark County, Montana (Helena) issued a temporary restraining order impacting some of Montana’s wolf hunting and trapping regulations.
The changes go into effect immediately.
The changes outlined in the temporary restraining order are as follows:
- Reinstitutes wolf management units (WMU) 110, 313, and 316 as they existed in the 2020 wolf regulations. WMU 110 borders Glacier National Park and WMUs 313 and 316 are north of Yellowstone National Park
- Reinstitutes the quotas for WMU 110, 313, 316 as they existed in the 2020 wolf regulations, which are two wolves in WMU 110 and one wolf each in WMU 313 and 316. Currently, one wolf has been harvested in WMU 313 and no wolves have been harvested in WMU 316 and 110. Wolf hunting and trapping in WMU 313 is now closed.
- Restricts all hunters and trappers to harvesting five wolves total per person, per season.
- Prohibits the use of snares as a legal method of take for trapping wolves.
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks will make legal arguments in this case at a hearing scheduled for Nov. 28.
The court has set the temporary restraining order to expire on Nov. 29.
“We have a healthy and stable population of wolves in Montana,” said FWP Director Hank Worsech. “We’ve proven we can manage wolves across the state and will continue to do so. We will comply with the judge’s order and look forward to the opportunity to defend good science and management strategies.”
In August 2021, the Montana Fish and Wildlife Commission voted to increase the wolf harvest and allow neck snaring and trap baiting.

Scott Johnson
November 17, 2022 at 12:11 pm
Many of us have been working to get the protections back on wolves that were taken away a couple years ago. It is very easy to go online and find lots of pictures of smiling men with piles of the wolves they have killed. Sometimes they are left in traps and snares for days before they are shot. Beautiful animals that are an important part of our ecosystem, are hated and killed for fun for doing what God created them for. Go online and look at the pictures, this kind of killing does not belong in America. Wolves are even baited to leave Yellowstone so they can be killed. People come from many parts of America to see Yellowstone Wolves and most have no idea how they are being slaughtered. Look at the pictures, we need more stories on protecting wildlife.
Morona Madsen
November 28, 2022 at 7:30 am
I cannot fathom how people can torture and kill these animals for fun. Who entitled themselves to do this? The wild animals deserve better. And those who kill for fun need to face consequences that are more than a slap on the wrist.
Jack Schilla
November 28, 2022 at 12:02 pm
“Killing for Fun”, demonstrates how ridiculous you are Morona. Wolves pull the entrails out of elk when they are alive in a ganged up pack. The pain elk experience from wolves is excruciating & very evident. Think of having your guts pulled out as you attempt to stay alive Morona, by a pack of savage wolves.