Breaking News
Crazy Woman Canyon Road To Close For Construction

To improve driver safety and forest visitor experience, repairs to Crazy Woman Road, Forest System Road (FSR) 33 begin Monday, July 18, 2022.
A temporary bridge will be constructed over a historic, weight limited bridge approximately 1.7 miles from the head of the canyon off Highway 16, to allow needed heavy equipment and trucks to pass over the bridge.
Due to the narrow canyon and Crazy Woman Creek, it is not possible to build detours around the construction and a road closure is necessary.
The road closure will be in effect Monday, July 18, 2022 through Friday, September 9, 2022 to protect public and employee safety during the road construction.
There will be an exception from July 25th to July 29th, 2022, when construction will not require a road closure.
This project is one of many local improvements on the Bighorn National Forest funded by the Great American Outdoors Act Legacy Restoration Fund.