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Wyoming Game And Fish Euthanizes Black Bear In Story

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Game and Fish wildlife managers euthanized a young male black bear on July 4, 2022 after responding to a call on Presbyterian Road, where it had accessed unsecured garbage.

Personnel had responded to multiple reports of the blonde-colored bear in several areas of Story over the past two weeks and had tried unsuccessfully to trap it.

The bear received multiple food rewards, including trash and bird feed, and more than one resident witnessed or captured security camera footage of the bear on their porches.

Because it had repeatedly accessed attractants for many days, the decision was made to euthanize rather than relocate the bear.

Euthanizing a bear is the last resort for wildlife managers.

But after a bear has repeatedly received food rewards, the bear’s behavior changes and it seeks out areas with humans, knowing that food can be found there, creating a human safety concern.

“We first received calls about bears causing conflicts in Story on June 17,” said Sheridan Wildlife Biologist Tim Thomas. “We responded to investigate incidents on Mountain Home Road and on Buck Trail Road. We saw many residences with bird feeders accessible to bears, including one home that had eight feeders within reach of a bear. Despite years of Bear Wise education in the Sheridan Region, there continues to be bear conflicts, as demonstrated by recent events. Unfortunately, given the proximity of our communities to native bear habitats, these types of conflicts will continue to occur unless bear attractants are secured.” 

Bears can be attracted by trash, livestock feed, pet food, barbeque grills, fruit trees, backyard livestock, beehives and bird feeders – both seeds and hummingbird feeders.

There are no municipal or county ordinances in Sheridan or Johnson counties requiring residents to secure attractants.

However, when residents voluntarily secure or contain bear attractants, it has been proven to reduce bear conflicts and conflict-related euthanasia.

Thomas adds “To be successful in preventing bears from becoming food-conditioned, we need more people doing the right thing.”

The euthanasia of this bear is not the end of the bear-conflict story in the Sheridan Region.

Additional bear conflicts have been reported in recent weeks in several locations, emphasizing the need for residents throughout Sheridan and Johnson counties to secure attractants.

June 22 – A bear accessed unsecured fish food at a residence outside Dayton. Game and Fish personnel responded and spoke with the owners about securing attractants.

June 24 – A bear was reported in Dayton. Game and Fish personnel responded but did not find the bear.

July 2 – A bear accessed unsecured trash, livestock feed and a bird feeder at a residence on Wolf Creek Road. Game and Fish personnel responded and set a trap. The bear did not return and the trap was removed.

July 2 – A bear was reported accessing garbage at a cabin west of Buffalo. Game and Fish personnel responded. The cabin owner secured the trash and no further reports have been received. 

July 3 – A bear accessed unsecured chicken feed at a residence outside Ranchester. Game and Fish personnel were not called until a day later and when they responded, the bear was gone.  

July 5 – A bear was trapped in Story on Buck Lane and relocated to the Bighorn National Forest. 

For residents who were unable to attend one of the Living in Bear and Lion Country workshops held last month in Dayton and Story, you can find much of the same information that is presented at the workshops on the Bear Wise page of the Game and Fish website at

Any sightings of a bear in residential or developed areas should be reported as soon as possible to the Game and Fish Regional Office at 307-672-7418 during regular business hours or to a local law enforcement agency.



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    July 8, 2022 at 6:29 am

    That is terrible, euthanizing a bear because of people stupidity for not securing their trash. There should be a law regarding securing trash if you live in an area where wildlife may get into it. Why is it wildlife pays with their life because of selfish, ignorant humans, euthanize the people and leave wildlife alone.

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      Lisa McAdam

      July 8, 2022 at 8:59 pm

      It’s the humans who should be shot not the bears if people are leaving stuff out that attracts bears should be held responsible don’t put out bird feeder the birds can find enough food in the summer it’s the winter the birds need help and don’t leave garbage blame humans

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      Melody Sue Edwards

      July 10, 2022 at 2:35 pm

      I’m sick and tired of wild life paying with their lives because of idiots, human idiots. It’s not right you could of relocated the bear but no it was killed.

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    Diane Davis

    July 8, 2022 at 7:51 am

    No!Should they be killed just because they ate That people are not cooperating. I think Game and Fish should be renamed to Killers. You are too educated to be compassionate.
    I’m so tired of reading about you killing the beautiful animals.

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      Susan Castine Easterday

      July 8, 2022 at 8:20 am

      Then people need to become educated about what they leave outside that attracts bears to their communities. These people chose to move into bear country and should become educated about how to live in an area where bears live. Bears are dangerous animals. Suppose they attack/ mail a young child or an adult because of peoples stupidity. It it the people fault these bears are euthanized, not game and fish.

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      Scott Thomas

      July 8, 2022 at 10:13 am

      type….THEN drink the Chardonnay…. friends don’t let friends type drunk. 😉

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      Karen Sledge

      July 8, 2022 at 3:10 pm

      Killing animals is wrong to I don’t care who you are monsters it’s not right

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        Thomas Jones

        July 9, 2022 at 10:36 am

        I know people who hunt, and donate a good portion of the meat to people who cant afford to buy any meats at the store. Some processers will do that also. Compassion for our fellow human beings is awesome in my book. The muley population in Sheridan is getting out of control. Time to manage it.

  3. Avatar photo

    Scott Thomas

    July 8, 2022 at 10:12 am

    more bears have probably been put down in Story than anywhere else in Sheridan or Johnson county, primarily because the snowbirds and transplants don’t know any better.

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    Beth Ann Pillen

    July 8, 2022 at 11:30 am

    Why blame the game department for humans not taking responsibility for protecting wildlife in the area they choose to live in? The Game Wardens are put in a bad choice situation of having to remove a potential threat to humans, including children, just because other adults are so self centered they don’t recognize their responsibility to the community to keep animals and their neighbors safe.

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    David DeVree8

    July 8, 2022 at 1:45 pm

    Mololon I think law enforcement should be keeping an I out for you with a comment like that people beware game and fish it’s damned if you do and damned if you don’t if that bear was to Maul one of there kids then you would be to blame for that.So I say keep up the good work I think your doing a pretty good job for what you have to work with.

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    Meshelle Cooper

    July 8, 2022 at 2:20 pm

    Grab the gun & KILL …. the poor animal. First response. Oh, then tell people about unsecured food, garbage, trash, etc… Still a dead animal.

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    Thomas Jones

    July 9, 2022 at 10:30 am

    A fed (Insert animal species here) is a dead (Insert animal species here). How many complainers here are feeding other large game animals?

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    Judy Powell

    July 9, 2022 at 5:27 pm

    Poor bear

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    Trina Lynch

    July 14, 2022 at 9:00 am

    You know the wildlife lived here and we invaded their territory. So, because stupid people are selfish and do not care about anything or anybody but themselves, the wildlife has to die. How is that fair? As others have said if you are going to live where wildlife does then it’s your responsibility to educate yourself and not do things that are going to attract them to your property. They should not have to lose their lives because people choose to be idiots. We as humans know better, they as wildlife do not.

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