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Sheridan County adds 30 cases over weekend as SCSD #2 mandates masks for start of classes

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Sheridan County has added another 30 positive lab confirmed cases of the COVID-19 virus to the 2,938 total lab confirmed cases since the pandemic began. 

According to Sheridan County COVID-19 Public Information Officer Jennifer Graves 126 confirmed cases are now active in the community as well as 51 probable cases. 

Seventeen patients are currently hospitalized suffering from the virus. Over the weekend 53 patients have recovered from the virus. Sheridan County has experienced the deaths of 33 residents since the pandemic began. 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention list Sheridan County’s level of community transmission as HIGH. 

At a special board meeting on Monday, Aug. 30, the Sheridan County School District No. 2 Board of Trustees unanimously approved an updated COVID-19 plan that includes a mask requirement for students, staff, and visitors inside of all school and district buildings. The mask requirement goes into effect Tuesday, August 31, the first day of school for district students.

During the meeting, the boardroom had to be cleared due to outbursts by parents opposing the mask mandate. 

Such debates are occurring all over the nation, putting more stress on board members who must make the decisions. According to an Associated Press story concerning the resignation of school board members all over the U.S., a Nevada school board member said he had thoughts of suicide before stepping down amid threats and harassment. In Virginia, a board member resigned over what she saw as politics driving decisions on masks. The vitriol at board meetings in Wisconsin had one member fearing he would find his tires slashed.

School board members are largely unpaid volunteers, traditionally former educators and parents who step forward to shape school policy, choose a superintendent and review the budget. But a growing number are resigning or questioning their willingness to serve as meetings have devolved into shouting contests between deeply political constituencies over masks in schools, COVID-19 vaccines and testing requirements, according to the AP.

Concerned parents can find the CDC’s recommended back to school guidelines, here. More COVID-19 information is available at



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    edward capp

    August 30, 2021 at 3:30 pm

    This is getting ridiculous!

    If you live in fear, keep your kids at home.

    If you believe masks work, then wear one around your kid when he/she gets home.

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    Mitch Smith

    August 30, 2021 at 3:59 pm

    But the Football Players can travel 300 miles to tackle a kid from another state who isnt wearing one

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    Douglas Wheeler

    August 30, 2021 at 7:37 pm

    Wow, where do I start? First of all, what’s going to happen to the school board members and Superintendents when a child decides to take their own lives because of these policies developed by the board? Why did the press add information about a board member from another state? This board member isn’t from here, and this didn’t happen here. Isn’t this big enough news regarding our community? There were at least 100 parents that had to take off from work at the last minute that was against wearing masks. The board had to have a police officer; nevertheless, they never had any before.

    What happened today at the Board Meeting was expected, especially when the board attempted to have a meeting at the very last minute, changed the time at the last minute, already knew what they were going to vote on before the vote, and already agreed about the vote before the meeting even started. Do you not think parents from Sheridan would be upset? Our elected members didn’t listen to who voted them in.

    This meeting was planned well in advance.

    Sheridan is a small town, and people know people, so why be hypocrites? Sunday, I saw one Superintendent without a mask three feet away from me and a board member in another store without her mask, but yet everyone was wearing a mask today at that moment. The community should be outraged with their policies and behaviors.

    Now for the Sheridan Media, why didn’t you tell the situation as it really happened? Shame on your reporting.

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      Ezra Petersen

      August 30, 2021 at 9:14 pm

      Well these board people are elected . Just someone run against them. Usually these are not contested races, no issues brought up so bring up this one . Most of these people do it just for the accolades it’s not a public service it’s to look down their nose at you and me. So let’s vote them out as they come up for re election. And what is going to happen to them when a kid commits suicide? Nothing how can you blame them that’d be an outlandish stretch. Just focus on getting them out off this board they think is so great instead of going straight to another planet with nonsense.

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      Karen Jones

      August 30, 2021 at 9:16 pm

      I would like to thank our County Health Officer for providing care and leadership to keep our children safe. His is a hard and thankless job.

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        Charlie Benjamin

        September 1, 2021 at 10:17 am

        Totally agree!!!!

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    Josh Malmberg

    August 30, 2021 at 8:27 pm

    Kudos to the school board for following the data we have available! As a lifelong Wyomingite and parent of two students at SCSD#2, I commend the school board and medical professionals from our county for a difficult decision that was clearly correct given the data. For other parents who find themselves distressed, there is a clear alternative: get vaccinated and tell your friends to get vaccinated. Once our numbers start to decline we can entertain allowing maskless education again. This is an excellent opportunity to show that you are concerned about the good of our community and willing to sacrifice for our common good. Thanks, in advance!

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      Melinda Brennan

      August 31, 2021 at 10:51 am

      I would like to remind you that the data and “science” you give such weight are very fluid and not always correct. I have a BSN in nursing and a background in sterile and clean technique and I can assure you that if you educate yourself about masks and children wearing them, you would likely change your mind.

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      Charlie Benjamin

      September 1, 2021 at 10:18 am

      Couldn’t have said it better.

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    Melinda Brennan

    August 31, 2021 at 11:04 am

    I take offense at the article misrepresenting the parents as disruptive. I was at the meeting and while folks were cheering after a comment, they respectfully allowed everyone to speak uninterrupted. At no time did I witness threatening behavior and having a policeman there was clearly meant to be intimidating to the parents.
    As for suggesting that parents are
    harassing school board members, that will not happen here. The school board members are part of our community and therefore our friends and neighbors. Sheridan is a small community and our actions towards others have far reaching effects.
    But parents have every right to be heard and have the board represent them; I find it sad that not one board member voted against children wearing masks.

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      Charlie Benjamin

      September 1, 2021 at 10:25 am

      Your right, parents should be heard. But decisions in certain instances must be made and made quickly before the event to keep matters from getting worse. And yes police presence is needed at times in case some parent or parents decide to become violent. We have all seen board meetings in other states become physical. Thankfully not here in our beautiful community.

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