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Falcon announces vehicle final-assembly facility to be developed at Sheridan County Airport Business Park

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Falcon Car Corporation has announced it will develop a manufacturing plant to assemble Falcon 9X full size pickup trucks and Falcon 3B buses onsite at the future facility which will be located at the Sheridan County Airport Business Park.

The development of the primary site is scheduled to be completed by 2025 and will employ 260 workers. The primary sub-assembly buildings are designed to be connected by elevated skybridges and provide a safe work environment year-round. 

Falcon Car is a DynamiX Energy Corporation owned entity. Falcon Car Corp. focuses on producing vehicles that are in demand today rather than future concepts. 

According to Sheridan County Airport Manager John Stopka, DynamiX Energy and Falcon  are known for their electric car components. The company is now taking the steps to manufacture electric automobiles.

J. Stopka

According to a release, the Sheridan County Airport provided Falcon Car Corp. with the ideal location for the manufacturing plant. Located minutes from I-90 with rail services and aviation access, the Sheridan Airport Business Park also provides Falcon with direct access to Denver International Airport, essential for business travel.

Stopka told Sheridan Media the airport was the deciding factor for DynamiX Energy Corp. Managing Director Stefan Amraly.

J. Stopka

The Sheridan County Commission recently received the conceptual designs for the facility. County Commissioner Tom Ringley told Sheridan Media this has great potential for the local economy. 

T. Ringley

According to Falcon, Wyoming is a great state for business as demonstrated by Sheridan’s recent industrial growth and its Made-in-the-USA initiative.

Once the company has finished with the development phase, construction will begin, Stopka said. 

J. Stopka

Falcon has secured an initial capacity building and permits to produce electric vehicles in the state of Wyoming with additional production capacity increasing to 30,000 units by 2026.



  1. Avatar photo

    Ezra petersen

    June 2, 2021 at 11:09 pm

    If this becomes a reality good. Good, not great; it will be another employer of skilled trades in this community like vacutech and Emit employing these workers at low wages for their skill sets.

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    Kimber Solberg

    June 3, 2021 at 6:47 am

    Good things happening in Sheridan.

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    gwen turner

    June 3, 2021 at 9:20 am

    Wow! My question is, does Sheridan actually have rail “services?”

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    Dennis Luszcz

    June 3, 2021 at 10:48 am

    Good things? Depends on your point of view. Nobody ever asks the people of a town what they want for their community. It’s always decided by the politicians, the realtors, the chamber of commerce, groups like backwards Sheridan. Nobody cares what the rest of us want. Good? Is more traffic, more noise, heavy industry and all that good? What about quality of life?

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      Randy Erwin

      June 4, 2021 at 6:54 pm

      They come here because they can pay low wages and their executives can purchase homes at reduced prices compared to where they come from. Enjoy our mountains and Lakes at discount prices. How is 30 k vehicles going to be funneled through 5 acres? What is this going to do to the neighborhoods adjacent to the Airport???

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      Randy Erwin

      June 4, 2021 at 7:01 pm

      Its all about the $$’s. Arent the Realtors making enough money with all the out of towners coming here already?

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    Mark Elledge

    June 3, 2021 at 12:57 pm

    Yup…more traffic and it will push up the housing cost. Plus…I would wager most of the jobs will be filled by current employees. At least the good paying positions.

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      June 3, 2021 at 8:39 pm

      I live on Airport Rd and wonder, how long will it be before our area goes up for sale and we’ll have to move.

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        Randy Erwin

        June 4, 2021 at 6:55 pm

        Thats my worry Mary

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    Dennis Higgins

    June 3, 2021 at 11:15 pm

    Hmmm. An electric car manufacturer setting up in Sheridan. So, basically a mini-Tesla.

    And, so far, most comments are negative. Seems like y’all want a return to the days before energy development in Sheridan when all there was was the rich and the working poor.

    Oh, don’t break my town with prosperity, there may not be enough poor people to be ranch hands!

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    Aidan Leonard

    June 4, 2021 at 6:54 am

    Yes my home!

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