School District 1 to Continue Distance Learning for Year

Sheridan County School District 1 will continue distance learning for what remains of this school year.
District 1 Superintendent Pete Kilbride updated trustees on the district’s plans for school and graduation at a work session of trustees Tuesday. Kilbride said he has submitted an exception to County Health Officer Dr. Ian Hunter.
CTE stands for career technical education.
Kilbride said at this point, he’s waiting for official approval of the exception request from Dr. Hunter.
Kilbride said superintendents had another meeting Monday with Superintendent of Public Instruction Jillian Balow.
Kilbride said the return to school raises a question of whether school districts want to promote 100 percent attendance as they have in the past.
Kilbride said the principals at both Big Horn and Tongue River high schools have put together graduation plans that also must be approved by county and state health officials. Sheridan Media will have more on that in a later story.