Senator Barrasso Working on Relief From Regulations

U.S. Senator John Barrasso of Wyoming, in a recent interview with Sheridan Media, said that Congress has been so stymied with the partisan impeachment that it has interfered with their ability to work on things to move the American economy ahead. Barrasso highlighted a few legislative issues that he’s looking forward to working on in the coming months.
Senator Barrasso said that he’s glad that impeachment is over and that he thinks that it will be a very interesting year in terms of the upcoming Presidential election.

Fred Osborn
February 15, 2020 at 8:52 am
Barraso’s problem is he can’t think on his own…he does not represent the people of Wyoming..he represents corporate shareholders who lobby both party’s full of phony politicians whose only interests are getting reelected. America is in dire straits andwithout good leadership,which is severely lacking right now,this ship will go down like the Titanic did.
mike kuzara
February 15, 2020 at 10:33 am
Senator Barraso is looking out for our state’s best interest. West Virginia is a great example of what happens when you throw the coal miners under the bus of socialism. 50 percent of the state is on welfare.. It’s like driving through a 3rd world country.