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SCSD#2 Honors Teacher and National Merit Finalists

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Luke Lawson and Wayne Murdock with Mitch Craft

SCSD#2 held it’s monthly board meeting on Monday, March 7. Mitch Craft, assistant superintendent, introduced Luke Lawson and Wayne Murdock. SHS students who are national merit finalists

Superintendent Scott Stults introduced Gretchen McCafferty, who was honored by the Wyoming Association of student councils. She was nominated by her peers for a prestigious award.

Stults also updated the board on how the school is communicating with the parents and keeping them informed via a newsletter and the website. Parent feedback has been positive, he added.

Stults also updated the board on Covid-19, which, due to the decrease in Covid cases in the county, masks are no longer recommended for students or staff at SCSD#2, but the quarantine will still be in effect should a student or staff member be exposed to Covid. Instead of an update every two weeks, there will now be an update once a month. Next update will be April 12.

Gretchen McCafferty,

“We are no longer even having conversations about masks because our transmission rates are so low,” Stults said. He added that this could change depending on whether or not there is an increase in active cases again. “We will make what changes might be necessary if things change.”

Ed Fessler, trustee, spoke to the board about the last year with Covid-19.

Chairman Sue Wilson added that the Wyoming governor is lifting his mask requirements as well. “I trust the April meeting will be our last Coivd report.”

Troy Decker gave a facilities update on finishing replacing the bleachers at the high school, making them ADA compliant and adding hand rails. He talked of replacing turf at the high school, and about the Fifth Street property, empathizing that the current plan is for a career development center and a multi-use community center. Wilson commented that she was glad he made that very clear.

In audience comments, a few people spoke about the Feb. 7 meeting where they felt their constitutional rights were violated by not being allowed to fully express their views before the board

Andrea Swanson, Ashley Duncan and Destiny Park at the meeting

Three student teachers who are teaching in Sheridan spoke about their experiences teaching in SCSD#2. Destiny Park, who taught at Sagebrush Elementary felt she learned a lot by teaching in Sheridan. “Teaching is a whole different ball game,” she said.

Ashley Duncan taught at Highland Park, and said she valued the opportunity to teach here. “I worked with an incredible group of students,” she said.

Andrea Swanson, taught at Woodland Park had this to say, “I’ve learned so much teaching here.”

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