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Red Grade Road is closed to wheeled vehicles until April

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The popular recreation route, Red Grade Road, has been closed to wheeled vehicles since Dec. 15, and will not be open to those vehicles until April. 

Sheridan County Sheriff’s Office Investigator Boot Hill and Sergeant Devearux Johnson appeared on Sheridan Media’s Public Pulse program to alert the public to the closure and give an explanation as to why wheeled vehicles are restricted during this time of year. 

Sgt. D. Johnson 

Hill informed listeners that should they decide to go around the warning signs and drive their wheels vehicles into the area and become stuck, the Sheriff’s Office will do everything they can to rescue people, but not the vehicle. 

Det. B. Hill 

The Sheriff’s Office reminds the public that the road remains open to tracked vehicles and recreationalists utilizing it for cross country skiing and snowshoeing. 

The Sheridan County Sheriff’s Office wishes everyone a safe and happy holiday season. 

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