A Look Back in Time: Sept. 17, 1920

Now here’s Sheridan Media’s look back in time, to 100 years ago, by reporter Pat Blair as published in the Sheridan Enterprise newspaper on Sept. 17, 1920.
Lt. Colonel Theodore Roosevelt Jr. mounted a cow pony for a ride through the principal streets of Sheridan at noon today as a climax to the parade arranged in his honor by the local Republican party and Sheridan city government. He is scheduled to speak this afternoon and tonight at the Orpheum Theater during his campaign visit here.
Sheridan county has reportedly won first prizes in several exhibits at the state fair in Douglas.
Ray Fasbender of Arvada is a Sheridan visitor.
Brundage street was closed at 1 o’clock this afternoon between Main and Brooks streets. It will remain closed until after the speaking of the two Republican visitors to Sheridan tonight.