Wyoming Named Sixth Best State for Nurses

Wyoming has been judged the sixth best state for nurses by the personal-finance website WalletHub.
With National Nurses Week starting Wednesday, and to help new nursing graduates find the best markets for their profession, WalletHub compared the relative attractiveness of the 50 states using over 20 criteria ranging from monthly average starting salary for nurses to health care facilities and nursing-job openings per capita.
With a score of 1 being the best and 25 equaling average, Wyoming ranked eighth in monthly average starting salary for nurses, and seventh in average annual salary.
The state ranked third in its projected share of the elderly population in the U.S. By 2030.
Wyoming ranked 12th in its share of the best nursing homes in the U.S., and ninth in the number of nurses per capita. The state earned average rankings in nursing job openings per capita and projected competition by 2026.
Wyoming ranked below average – a 28 – in the number of health-care facilities per capita.