First People’s Powwow Draws Good Crowd.

A large crowd spread out across the Sheridan Inn porch and lawn to watch the First People’s Powwow after the parade on Friday, July 15. There were native drummers, a flute solo, a native blessing and many dancers.

Butch Jellis talked about how he and his brother started the first parade and Powwow in 2002.
Leonard Bends, of the Crow Tribe, was MC for the event.

Bill Heide played the Medicine Flute during some of the breaks in the dancing. He said he has been playing medicine flute for over 20 years, but wind instruments for most of his life.

Gabby Lopez, Miss Crow Fair 2022, said a few words to the crowd.

The Crow Fair at Crow Agency, Montana, will start on the third Thursday in August and runs through Monday. Thursday is for Crow only, but non-tribal members are welcome after that day. Many cultural events are featured at the Fair.