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Concerns Raised at Sheridan Commission Over Property Taxes

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Jerry Pauli came before the Sheridan County Commission at their last meeting and spoke about the property tax increase and how the commission, city council and other local entities can reduce taxes to help their constituents, so as not to continue to become like Jackson Hole and other areas where it has become too expensive to live.

Pauli said the commission, city council, and the special districts can lower taxes through reducing the mills and still stay within their budgets.

Pauli said the commissioners and other local governmental agencies have a difficult job and he respects them for serving, but asked them again to work toward keeping Sheridan and Sheridan County an affordable place to live.



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    Phil Boice

    May 17, 2022 at 7:35 am

    I don’t know how many people I’ve talked to who, between the increase in their MDU bill and property taxes they are barely making it in Sheridan now. And that comment was mentioned, about Sheridan becoming another Jackson. It’s ridiculous, as wages are not keeping up with the councils want for ‘bigger better’..
    Along with the ‘improvements’ to east 5th, don’t even try to tell me those peoples taxes aren’t going up even more, when they should go down as the residential is being degraded with that street being upgraded…

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    sandy peterson

    May 17, 2022 at 9:14 am

    High taxes are terrible for everyone but they are especially bad for the elderly who are living on fixed incomes. If you get a raise in your social security, they take it right back out in raised deductibles for medicare and then you pay higher incomes taxes because you made more money. . Most states have a program in place for seniors, Wyoming does not, there should be.

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    D'Ann Naugle

    May 21, 2022 at 11:01 am

    Everyone in town is talking about their huge increase in property taxes. The average age of citizens is above 60 in Sheridan at this time. Seniors can not afford to pay this property increase along with the big increase in MDU bills, and young families just starting out can not either. Here is an idea for Seniors. If you are above age 62, have an income based on a set amount, and owned your home for 15 or 20 years, you qualify for a Senior program for reduced taxes. Many other states offer this type of program for their Seniors. I feel like as a home owner, I should be receiving more for my money in the way of replacement of old sewer and water lines and better streets in my area. Please let’s not Jackson Sheridan!!

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