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Governor Gordon to Host Annual Prayer Breakfast

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Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon announced Tuesday that he’s dedicated the 2022 Governor’s Prayer Breakfast to everyone who rides for the brand in Wyoming. A longstanding tradition spanning more than 70 years, the Prayer Breakfast will take place at 6:30 am on February 16th at Little America Hotel and Resort in Cheyenne. The featured keynote speaker will be Amberley Snyder, a professional barrel racer who was involved in a 2010 rollover truck accident in Wyoming that left her paralyzed from the waist down. Gordon said they are incredibly grateful for the support of Wyoming’s people, as this year’s event is completely sold out.

The Wyoming Governor’s Prayer Breakfast traces its origin to the National Prayer Breakfast tradition, held annually in Washington, D.C. since 1953. The breakfast is non-denominational and nonpartisan and is hosted by Governor Gordon and the Wyoming Governor’s Residence Foundation. More information on the Prayer Breakfast can be found here.

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    Rosie lucero

    February 9, 2022 at 3:12 am

    Because of you not mandating masks, my father suffers from lung damage and headaches. God is watching you, trump Jr. Why don’t you pray for forgiveness. If everyone jumped 1500 feet over a cliff you’d be right behind them. You won’t get my vote again. I just changed to Democrat.

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