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SCSD#2 Receives Donation

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At the Monday, June 10 SCSD#2 Board meeting, David Macalister Senior Vice President, and Dana Anderson of Security State Bank in Sheridan, joined Breean Waller Northeast Regional Director of Wyoming Hunger Initiative, to present SCSD#2 a check for $4,434.19.

Superintendent Scott Stults said this about the donation.

Other recognitions at the meeting included Presidential Award for Excellence in Science Teaching Finalist, Emily Emond.

Ali Vold had this to say about Emond

Scott Cleland, SHS Principal, talked about the WHSAA Good Sportsmanship Award winners, Avery McMullen; Sydney Warnke; Adeline Burgess; and Coach Josh Dube. Coach Chuck Walters talked about the Outdoor Track Girls’ and Boys’ Team State Champions.

Two Milward Simpson Award Finalists were recognized, Addie Pendergast and Dane Steel.

In his superintendent’s report, Stults talked about creating more opportunities for students who do not pursue a college degree.

In other business the board approved several policies as well as the SHS, JCSCS Handbook revisions, and Facilities Director Troy Decker reported on several summer projects and asked the board to approve the sealant project for the roof of the high school, approval of SHS flooring and approval of improvements on the SHS sky bridge & main entry canopy.

Leslie Haberkern, food services, asked for approval from the board to renew the Meadowgold Dairy contract as the milk vendor for the 2024-25 school year, and she reported that the school meal prices will remain the same as they were last year.

Stults asked the board to approve the change in substitute teacher rates, and the motion carried unanimously. Substitute teachers pay for the upcoming year will start at $151 per day.

Stults also discussed the new cell phone policy, and the board was in agreement with the new policy.

Trustee Ed Fessler added this about the new policy.

Kristie Garriffa reported about the Sheridan High School College Connection Center Report

The board also discussed PLC, Professional Learning Community, and the book that the board members are reading “Leading PLCs at Work Districtwide: Boardroom to Classroom.”

Next meeting will be on July 17.

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