Clearmont Community Church Welcomes New Pastor

The Clearmont Community Church recently hired a new pastor, after Shane Haynes moved away to preach at another church.
Cody Ramsay, who most recently worked in a Christian Academy near Fort Worth, Texas, moved to Clearmont to be the pastor of the Clearmont Church in July.
“I like small town living,” Ramsay said. “People are genuine in small towns.”
Ramsay has a family, a wife, Vivian, and three children, Liam, Jonah, and Grace. He once worked as missionary to Asia at one time.
“I want to be the pastor of everyone in the community, not just the church members. Anyone in the community who needs help can come to the church and ask for help. I also want to encourage people to attend church, and we also want people to remember that there as no ‘perfect people’ allowed. No one ‘s perfect, other than Jesus.”
Church board member Paula Brown said that the church advertised for a pastor, and the hiring process included interviews, sample sermons, and lots of discussion. She added that the entire congregation, usually around 50 area people, had to agree on the choosen pastor. “We were 100 percent in agreement on Pastor Cody Ramsay. We are blessed to have him, and blessed that the search is over.”
The next order of business is finding a parsonage, and the church has closed on some land in Clearmont, and they are looking for a modular home for the new pastor on live in.
“The most important thing I want to mention is that I want to share the love of Jesus with the community, and for people to see that there are no ‘perfect people’ and you don’t have to be ‘perfect’ to be a member of the church.” Pastor Ramsay said.
Submitted by Cynthia Vannoy