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Candidates talk about how to make cuts in education

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The four candidates for Sheridan County’s House of Representatives districts 40 and 51 talked about making cuts to Wyoming’s education budget in a recent candidate forum.

Richard Tass, who’s seeking re-election to the District 40 seat, which represents both Johnson County and a part of Sheridan County, said cuts have to be made.

Tass said the school districts need to look at trimming their administration costs. His opponent, Barry Crago, agreed.

Cyrus Western, running for re-election to House District 51, said Wyoming has such a massive budget crisis that the state has no choice but to cut. He said he’s sat down with the superintendents of Sheridan County’s three school districts and told them cuts are coming.

Western’s opponent, Dennis Fox, said we obviously have to maintain the core purpose of school, which is to educate our children.

Fox said we can also look at the ratio of supervisors and principals to teachers in the schools and possibly tweak those to save some money.

All four of the candidates are Republicans. No Democrats filed for either of the seats.

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