Sheridan Memorial to provide wellness blood screenings

Sheridan Memorial Hospital is providing wellness blood screenings at the lab located in the Outpatient Center.
Appointments are necessary for a screening and can be made by going to the hospital’s website:, click on Wellness Blood Screening or call 307-675-4675 and leave a message.
The need for scheduling arises out of the COVID-19 guidelines as the lab has limited space in the waiting area and patients are being asked to practice social distancing, according to laboratory manager Andrea Paulson.
Wellness screenings are offered weekday mornings from 6 to 8:30 am. Patients are being asked to park in the lot south of the Outpatient Center.
All persons entering the Outpatient Center and other hospital buildings will have their temperature taken and be asked screening questions regarding Coronavirus symptoms, according to a press release.
Patients are being asked to bring a facemask to wear while they are in the lab. If they do not have a mask, one will be provided to them upon arrival. Borrowed cloth masks can be returned to the used mask bins to be sanitized and re-used.