Clearmont Day Planning Committee Seeks Volunteers

The Annual Clearmont Day Celebration will be held on June 28. Amy Rowe, Clear Creek Recreation District Director and part of the Clearmont Day Planning committee, recently asked for volunteers to help with the upcoming event, and she talked about some of the events that are planned.
Music will be provided by Jeanie Briscoe, a county-style singer out of Buffalo. There will be a free lunch in the park as well.
Rowe added this about those who are helping with the planning this year.
Clearmont Day is over 100 years old. Although in 1920 it was held in the fall instead of in the spring. This announcement is from the Sheridan Enterprise September 11, 1920 – Clearmont Day Saturday, Sept. 11 Clearmont, Wyo., Sept. 10, 1920. – To Everybody in General: We, the people of Clearmont, invite you to partake of our hospitality on Clearmont Day, tomorrow, Sept. 11. Everybody is coming, so get your car ready and prepare to step on it for a lively day. In addition to a splendid program of sports, we have on display a remarkable exhibit of agricultural products from Clearmont and vicinity. The following program has been arranged for your entertainment and amusement:

Some of the events that were a part of that early celebration. 8:30 A. M. Start of horse marathon race from the Burlington depot at Sheridan for Clearmont (20 entries). Total prizes $375. 10:00 A. M. American Legion Ball Game at Clearmont. Clearmont vs. Ucross. 11:30 A. M. to 12:30 P. M. Free Barbecue. (Luncheon also served by Woman’s Club at small nominal charge).12:30 P. M.—Expected finish of Horse Marathon Endurance Race at Clearmont. 12:45 P. M.—Address by Senator John B. Kendrick. 1:00 P. M.—Parade to Fair Grounds. 2:00 P. M. to 5:00 P. M.—Wild West Show. Dancing all afternoon and evening. Sheridan City Band will play during the day. – Yours for a good time, The Citizens of Clearmont

Everyone interested is urged to attend the meetings and help out with the yearly celebration to make it a success. Contact Amy Rowe at 307-278-1716, or email