Former NSI Student Being Tried as an Adult

One of the four students who ran away from Normative Services Inc. Academy on the evening of April 20 and was arrested and charged with stealing a van from a home in Sheridan and vandalizing a car at the same residence was arraigned Thursday in Fourth Judicial District Court in Sheridan. Appearing via telephone from Irvine, California, 16-year-old Cody Quigley, who is being tried as an adult, pleaded “not guilty” to the charges of Felony Burglary, Felony Property Destruction, and Misdemeanor Accessory After the Fact.
District Court Judge John Fenn scheduled the three-day trial to begin on September 28, and set the pretrial conference for August 27 at 10:30 am. Judge Fenn continued Quigley’s bond under the same terms and conditions that were previously set. A family member posted the $10,000 cash only bond, allowing for Quigley to be out of incarceration while awaiting trial. If convicted on all three counts, Quigley faces over 20 years in prison and fines of more than $20,000.