Council Receives Update on Reopening Plans

The Sheridan City Council met for their first regularly scheduled business meeting of May Monday night. Sheridan Media’s Ron Richter has the details.
Interim City Administrator Mike Jackson provided the Council and Mayor Roger Miller with an update on the City’s reopening plans.
Various departments within City Hall may start opening as soon as next week, with a target of May 25th to have City Hall completely open to the public once again. Police Chief Rich Adriaens addressed the two variances to Governor Gordon’s public health orders that were approved by the State Monday that are now in effect that will allow limited outdoor service for restaurants, cafes, bars, breweries and modified church services.
The Council also approved second reading of an ordinance that rezones 205 Coffeen Avenue from an R-3 Residential District to a B-1 Business District. A contract was approved with the Sheridan County Travel and Tourism Board and staff provided an update on the Main Street Reconfiguration project. We’ll have more from the Council meeting for you in future stories.

Dennis Fox
May 5, 2020 at 11:46 am
It would be helpful if the governor would simply let his “orders” expire and leave it up to each county. Every county has unique circumstances. Two counties have had zero cases and about a third of Wyoming’s counties have had 5 or fewer cases. Free the people in each county to make their own plans. American decision-making is done best, when it’s decentralized. The president did it that way, now it’s time for the governor to do the same. Wyoming, forever west, forever Free.