Property Taxes, County Commissioner Lawsuit Discussed at Town Hall

Property Taxes are an issue that many Wyoming people are concerned about, and it was addressed at the January 27 Freedom Caucus Town Hall in Sheridan.
Speakers at the event included Bryan Miller, Sheridan County Republican Party Chairman and David Hollard, Vice-Chair of the Wyoming Republican Party, David Iverson, of Cowboy State Politics, Mark Jones, Gun Owners of America, and Representatives Mark Jennings, John Bear, Ken Pendergraft and keynote speaker Representative Jeremy Haroldson.

Rep. Jennings talked about the problems with the property tax structure as it stands now.
One woman from the floor said she had to go back to work as well due to high property taxes. What can we do to help get the legislation through, she asked.
Pendergraft talked about the reform needed.
People who want change in Wyoming were urged to go to Cheyenne and talk to the legislators in person to air their concerns.

Mark Jennings also mentioned lawsuit against four of the five Sheridan County Commissioners, calling for their removal and accusing them of deliberately not upholding their statutory duties. Jennings said he is running a bill stating that
School safety was an issue as well, and a story on that discussion will be posted on Tuesday on Sheridan Media.

Solomon Carrick Morris
January 30, 2024 at 8:14 am
It is interesting that Rep. Jennings is running a bill through the legislature in regards to the lawsuit with the Sheridan County Commissioners. Since HIS DAUGHTER is the lone Commissioner not in said lawsuit. Does this not reek of nepotism? Was the War for Independence not fought to help safeguard our country from this?
Sheridan/Sheridan County open your eyes that one family is trying to lord politically over you.
Dennis Fox
January 30, 2024 at 2:35 pm
The American Revolution was fought to secure our Rights and Independence from an over-reaching gov’t. And that’s exactly what the “Failed Four” commissioners attempted to do. They acted as the Liberal Elitists they are and attempted to “sit in judgement” of the nominees, violate the law, and thwart the will of the Central Committee and the voters in the ’22 Election. And the evidence shows that they also colluded and conspired to break the Law! The Four Failed to do their jobs under the law. They tried to end-run the law and get one of their own crony Libs in place. They failed at that, too. All Rep. Jennings is trying to do is prevent a repeat of the flagrant commissioner lawlessness.