Paintrock Road Reconstruction Work Underway

Reconstruction on Paintrock Road, Forest System Road 17 in the Bighorn National Forest is underway. According to the Forest Service, the contractor is currently installing culverts and working tree clearing along Paintrock Road. Road reconditioning and aggregate placement will also occur. During culvert installation, two hour delays can be expected. The contractor will typically work Monday through Fridays and not usually over the weekends. The work is being done from the seasonal closure gate at Ranger Creek Campground to the beginning of the private section. Roadwork is expected to last through the summer season. Motorists are asked to plan accordingly and to use caution by reducing their speed to allow reaction time if they encounter equipment and other traffic in the roadway.
This project is one of many local improvements on the Bighorn National Forest funded by the Great American Outdoors Act Legacy Restoration Fund. If you have questions, please contact the Medicine Wheel Ranger District office in Greybull at 307.674765.4435. Follow us on Twitter (@BighornNF) or like us on Facebook (US Forest Service – Bighorn National Forest).