3 years agoon
Ron RichterThe Wyoming Association of Municipalities 2022 Summer Convention will take place Wednesday through Friday in Laramie. During the convention, representatives from municipalities and towns throughout Wyoming will vote on proposed legislative resolutions that will be submitted for consideration by the Wyoming Legislature during their general session in 2023.
The Sheridan City Council at their meeting Monday night voted in favor of giving Councilman Clint Beaver, who will be Mayor Rich Bridger’s proxy at the convention, authority to vote and make decisions on behalf of the City Council. Prior to the vote, councilors had the opportunity to share their thoughts and concerns on any of the proposed resolutions. Councilors Kristen Jennings and Jacob Martin both were against a resolution proposed by the city of Casper that would set fees for retail liquor licenses at fair market value. Mayor Pro Tem Jennings explained why she opposed the liquor license resolution.
Seven public hearings were held on various ordinances and resolutions prior to the Council’s consideration of each item. Under new business, the Council approved a resolution supporting the naming of the pocket park within Whitney Commons to Patriot Park and naming the existing pathway that runs through the pocket park Patriot Pathway. We’ll have more from the Council meeting in future stories.