CHG to Hold Program on Piney Creek Buffalo Jump

In 1964, Geroge C. Frison, Wyoming archaeologist, excavated The Piney Creek Bison Jump north of Lake DeSmet. The site was radiocarbon dated at A.D. 1580 to A.C. 1610.
On Thursday, November 21, at 2 p.m. the Clearmont Historical Center will host a talk by Dave Nicolarsen, Museum Curator at Sheridan College, will give a talk about the excavation and some of the artifacts found there.
Some are currently on display at the Clearmont Historical Center including buffalo skulls and bones, spear and arrow points, tools for butchering, and weapons that would have been used at the time.
These buffalo jumps were used by large groups of Native Americans who came together for these hunts so they could quickly gather a large amount of food and buffalo robes for the winter.

After the event, the Clearmont Historical Group will adjourn to Branding Iron Park, where they will dedicate the new plaque that is being placed near the old jail, which is on the National Registry of Historic Places. There will be a short talk about the jail and its place in Clearmont’s history.
All are invited to both events, and they are free and open to the public.