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History: Sheridan gets Red Cross Chapter in June of 1917

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The American Red Cross was founded by Clara Barton on May 21, of 1881. Since that time, it is has been dedicated to serving people in need. They received their first congressional charter in 1900 and they provided services to members of the armed forces as well as providing disaster relief worldwide. One hundred and seven years ago this month, Sheridan Wyoming was granted a Red Cross Chapter.

This from The Sheridan Post, May 29, 1917 – Red Cross Activities Headquarters Will Be Opened Next Monday. Ready For Work. Membership in the County Expected to Reach One Thousand. All are Urged to Join. – “The work rooms of the Sheridan chapter, American Red Cross society, will be opened on Monday, June 4, and remain open so long as help is needed by the army and navy from this source. Quarters have been secured on the second floor of the federal building and all will be in readiness to engage actively in the great and patriotic work before us.” Thus spoke Hon. William Moncreiffe, chairman of the local chapter, who has just returned home from a visit to Denver where he conferred with members of the national organization and local Colorado chapters. “

It must be thoroughly understood,” said Mr. Moncrieffe “that everyone is welcome to do his part through the Red Cross society, and we shall need not only membership but active rapport from all. We hope for a membership of at least a thousand in Sheridan county. It is a work that all may join in doing. The Red Cross in no sense a social organization. And above all it has no connection nor concern with politics. It has no relation to any particular religious creed, but embraces them all. This society is not devoted to the glorification of any other organization or to any individual in its membership or elsewhere “The campaign for membership will begin June 5th and from that time on the chapter desires the enlistment of every Sheridan county patriot, men women and children.

“The big drive for membership will be during the week of June I8-25, when the donations received will remitted to the national organization as recommended by the president. “Let me repeat. This is a Sheridan county organization and members are expected from every quarter of the county. Don’t permit yourself to be overlooked and do not be offended by the lack of a gilt edged invitation to join us.

Come of your own accord. It is as much your work as it is ours. The welcome sign is written all over the headquarters Workers and members are needed. One of the future objectives of the Red Cross in the rehabilitation of France and Belgium. Restoration of the great works of art destroyed or damaged during the war. The committee on finance and membership is composed as follows: Mrs. E. E. Levers, chairman. Mrs. Ralph Denio. Mrs. Dr. Wm. Frackelton. Mrs. R. H Walsh, Mrs. Roy Seney. Mrs. S. D. Canfield, Mrs. Walton Smith. Mrs. J. A Perot. Mrs. William Moncrieffe. purchasing agent for the local chapter secured while in Denver, samples and patterns of garments to be made and these may be inspected at the headquarters. Join the Red Cross, become a worker, help sustain the men on the battle front and at sea. In this good Samaritan work there is room for all.

And the next year in The Sheridan Post, March 22, 1918, it talked about being a part of the chapter and what the members could and couldn’t do for fundraising. – Patriotic citizens who contemplate giving public entertainments for the benefit of the Red Cross work are asked to bear in mind some regulations of the Red Cross society which govern in the premises. The approval of the Sheridan County Red Cross Chapter is required for any such entertainment conducted under the name of the Red Cross, within Sheridan county.

This approval can readily be had by communicating with Prof. J. J. Early, the president, or Mrs. Emma Fryberger, the secretary of the Sheridan County Chapter. Whenever an entertainment is held under the name of the Red Cross or published for the benefit of the Red Cross, the entire net proceeds are to be turned over the Red Cross Chapter. When the monthly pledges were taken up last January by the members of the Loyalty League toward financing the local chapter for the period of the war, it was decided that the public should not be canvassed with tickets for any entertainment, on behalf of the Red Cross. Tickets were to be on sale only at the place of entertainment, or at such other convenient points, where the public could readily call for them. Patriotic citizens in Sheridan county, who wish to aid the Red Cross, through public entertainments are asked to conform to the above regulations. The contributions which they make to the Red Cross by these entertainments are gratefully received and much appreciated by the Sheridan County Chapter.

In this notice from The Sheridan Post, December 20, 1918 it urges people to donate to the Red Cross to help during the Christmas season.

In The Daily Enterprise, April 16, 1912, it talks about the founder of the Red Cross, Clara Barton, and her death. Clara Barton – The name of no other American woman is so familiar to the people on two hemispheres as that of Miss Clara Barton, who died last Thursday at the age of 90 years. Her name is linked with the great movement for the alleviation of suffering the world over, whether in the wake of devastating famine, fire or pestilence or in the bloody battlefields of nations at war. All other kindred societies are Iess than the Red Cross, for that organization operates without reference to the issues of war and without reference to where the fault lies.

As a matter of fact the Red Cross is a great protest against war. Even In the midst of hate and carnage raised its symbol and brings its ministrations to all mankind in the spirit of the brotherhood. Miss Barton was not only the first American president of the Red Cross in this country, serving from 1881 to 1904, but she was also In the convention in Switzerland which established the International Red Cross In 1865.

She was the “angel” of many battlefields, including those of the Civil war in the United States and the Franco-Prussian war. Her services were important in great relief work during the famine in Russia, the Armenian massacre, the Spanish-American war, the Johnstown and Galveston floods. Ten countries, including Germany, whose emperor presented her with the iron cross, honored her with decorations. Another interesting distinction is that of being the only woman for whom a Grand Army post has been named. This woman, born in Oxford, Mass., had the unusual satisfaction of seeing a great humanitarian idea which she was largely instrumental in developing grow and flourish and take root in all the civilized countries of the world. From the time that she left the school where she was teaching to enter service on the fields of the Civil War her long life of ninety years was employed in the successful conduct of the Red Cross and she died leaving the civilized nations her grateful debtors.

So, when one sees the familiar ‘Red Cross’ logo, or hears about the Red Cross giving help during disasters, remember that 107 years ago, Sheridan was granted their own Red Cross Chapter.

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