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Virtual Veterans Welcome Home Day Celebration welcomes everyone home

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Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon and the Wyoming Veterans Commission are pleased to announce celebrations for the “Wyoming Veterans Welcome Home Day” on Tuesday, March 30.

According to a Wyoming Army National Guard press release, the day of welcoming was codified in state law during the 61st legislative session for March 30, of each year, the date U.S. combat troops would have set foot on Wyoming soil after returning home from the Vietnam War in 1973.

All Wyoming Veterans, especially those from the Korean War, Vietnam War, and other Veterans who were not properly thanked upon their return home are invited to watch the event and receive the welcome and thanks of a grateful state.

Military, surviving spouses of veterans and family members are also welcome.

This year’s ceremony will be a virtual event and you can watch the premiere online on March 30, at 10 a.m. MST at the following locations:

The ceremonies will feature remarks by Gov. Gordon, the Adjutant General of Wyoming Maj. Gen. Greg Porter and Veterans Commission Chairman Travis Deti.

Wyoming communities are also encouraged to host their own celebrations to honor Wyoming Veterans who may not have been thanked for their service or welcomed home.

For more information, contact the Wyoming Veterans Commission at (307) 777-8152.



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    Fred Osborn

    March 13, 2021 at 10:34 am

    It is no theory that we Vietnam vets got a raw deal coming back to an ungrateful nation.This show of thought is 50 years too late,and to add better late than never is no excuse for what took place back then…even in Wyoming where WWII vets shunned Vietnam vets.Never again will a generation of veterans be treated that way.

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      Thomas Jones

      March 13, 2021 at 5:55 pm

      Well Fred, you can take comfort knowing that the military is cleansing pesky conservatives from their ranks by going over the socials with a fine toothed comb. That’s why the DOD took a 6 month stand down. Only joebama loyalists need apply.

      Frankly, this veteran would tell the young people NOT to sign up to fight in Joebamas upcoming endless unwinnable wars.

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        Fred Osborn

        March 15, 2021 at 8:22 am

        Since your hatred of Obama and Biden is obvious,how about commenting on Bush and Cheney’s endless conflicts in both Iraq and Afghanistan…both are/were unnecessary waste of money and lives.

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          Thomas Jones

          March 15, 2021 at 3:23 pm

          I’m there with you on those two globalists, Fred. You have to admire Trump for NOT starting any new wars during his short tenure, and for trying to, and somewhat succeeding in bringing our soldiers home.

          Sad that joebama sent them back into Syria. Buckle up!

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