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Today is Flag Day

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Today, June 14th is Flag Day, a day that commemorates the adoption of the US flag, on June 14, 1777, by resolution of the Second Continental Congress.

The Sheridan Enterprise on June 8, 1913, talks about the history of the flag. When the colonists first settled at Jamestown, and Plymouth, you remember, they did so under the flag of England, which consisted of a blue field bearing the white cross of St. Andrew and the red St. George Cross, as ordained by King James the First. Thus, you see, we have the red, white and blue which now appears in ‘Old Glory.’ From then on until the actual birth of the American flag the colonists—in those stormy days preceding the Revolution — used the English flag with some changes here and there according to popular sentiment in the different colonies. And during this period, in which England’s flag seemed to be decidedly unpopular, some queer banners were unfurled to the breeze.

For example, in Massachusetts there was a white flag bearing a pine tree in its center and underneath it the motto, ‘An appeal to Heaven.” And down among the southern colonists a yellow flag in center of which appeared a rattlesnake, ready to strike, and the warning. ‘Don’t Tread On Me!’ was popular. “

As the revolution came on in 1776, there floated over Washington’s headquarters the English flag changed by white stripes across it’s red field. Although the origin of the stripes is not exactly known there is a theory that they were placed on the English flag to show that the colonies had separated from the mother county and the white stripes shall go down to posterity representing liberty.

The Continental Flag or the High Grand Flag created before the Stars and Stripes. One theory according to the above article, says the stars came “from George Washington’s coat of arms, in which, “…appear three gold stars above two read bars on a white background,”, So, it is pleasant indeed to think that the red. the white with the stars and stripes were taken from the family standard of our first president.”

This from the Centennial Post, Centennial, Wyoming, June 20, 1914.- June 14, 1777, the Continental Congress voted that the flag of the thirteen United States should consist of thirteen stripes, alternate red and white, the union being thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new constellation. In 1794. Vermont and Kentucky having been admitted to the union, it was voted that a new stripe and a new star for each should be added. The apparent design was to continue this process of addition as new states came In. In 1818. however, Tennessee. Ohio, Louisiana, Indiana, and Mississippi having joined the union, with Illinois, Alabama, and Missouri knocking at the door, it was decided to alter the arrangement. In that year it was voted that the stripes should be thirteen only, recalling the “original thirteen,” while the union should have one star added to it with the admission of each new state the following Fourth of July being the date of addition in each instance. In that form the flag of the United States, ‘ ‘Old Glory,” as it has lovingly been called, has become familiar to the people of all nations.

In 1916, President Woodrow Wilson officially established June 14 as National Flag day. Although it is not a national holiday, like Independence Day, many towns, people and businesses celebrate by flying flags in their yards, streets and on store fronts.

The Sheridan Enterprise, June 5, 1916, – Flag Day. President Wilson has issued a proclamation calling on all Americans to observe Flag Day on June 14, with patriotic exercises. The presidents appeal certainly should be heeded. As he says, such an occasion gives opportunity for the expression of our ‘thoughtful love of America.

The flag of the republic is a symbol of its greatness the blessings it bestows and the wonderful opportunities if affords to all. To honor the flag and keep in mind what it means to uphold the nation. It is well that the boys and girls at all times should be instructed in patriotism of the right kind base on real love of country is the bulwark of the republic.

The governor each year proclaimed the day as ‘Flag Day’ and encouraged patriotic celebrations.

In The Sheridan Enterprise, June 7, 1918 – Star Spangled Banner to Be Sung in State at 10 o’clock on Morning of DayCheyenne, Wyo., June 7—Governor Frank L. Houx has issued the annual Flag day proclamation, calling upon the citizens of the state to fittingly celebrate the 141st anniversary of the birth of the flag. The public is also urged to sing the Star Spangled Banner at 10 a. m., or 12 o’clock Washington time. This is part of an international movement to get Americans all over the world to sing the national anthem. The proclamation follows:

That the people of Wyoming may engage in concerted observation of this anniversary, I, Frank L. Houx, acting governor, designate Friday, June 14th, Flag day in this state, and call on the people of Wyoming on that day, individually and collectively to engage in public demonstrations of their love and reverence for the nation’s flag, and especially I suggest that at the hour of 12 o’clock noon, ‘Washington time, which will be 10 a.m., Wyoming time, all persons in the state halt whatsoever activities at the moment may be engaging them and repeat the inspired words of our national anthem, “The Star Spangled Banner.”

Sheridan’s New Cornet Band at Kearny Hall

This from the Lusk Herald June 6, 1912 –JUNE 14, 1912 –marks the one hundred and thirty-fifth anniversary of the adoption by the Continental congress of the American flag. Today the stars and stripes, first designed by General George Washington (According to Earl P. Williams, Jr., U.S. flag historian (paleovexillologist), scholars now credit Francis Hopkinson as the American flag’s designer. He was a signer of the Declaration of Independence as a delegate from New Jersey) and fashioned by the quaint Quakeress, Betsy Ross, floats over more than 3,500,000 square miles, including the United States, the Philippines, Alaska, Hawaii, the canal zone, PortoRico, Guam and Samoa. More than 100,000,000 persons swear by it.

Flag day is not a national holiday, but it is observed in a large part of the Union, and the children of the public schools hold special exercises at this time.

Flag day was originated by George Belch, who had charge of a free kindergarten for the poor In New York. Exercises in honor of the flag were held by his pupils, and the press commented favorably upon the idea, which, through the aid of the Sons of the American Revolution, was adopted. Philadelphia, through the efforts of the Colonial Dames, arranged for the observance of Flag day at the same time.

National AnthemAs a part of the Flag Day exercises in the public schools there will be rendered many patriotic songs bearing upon the national emblem, some of which have a most interesting history. The oldest of these, “Hail, Columbia. Happy Land,” was written by Joseph Hopkinson in Philadelphia In 1798. The “Star Spangled Banner,” written by Francis Scott Key, is next in point of age. “America,” by Francis Smith, while not bearing upon the flag, is generally recognized as a national anthem. It was written in Andover, Mass., and was sung for the first time on the Fourth of July, 1832, by the school children of Boston. Francis Scott Key. during the war of 1812 watched the folds of old Glory ripple and sway over the walls of Fort McHenry until night and the mists shut out the inspiring sight. Knowing the persistence of the enemy and how small was the garrison at the fort, he sat through the night waiting and penned the words of the “Star Spangled Banner.” The flag which floated over the fort still exists having been kept by the fort’s defender, Charles Armistead, and preserved by his descendants.

So, on Friday, June 14, 2022, people can demonstrate their love of flag and country by displaying Old Glory and remembering the many sacrifices that went into making the United States of America.

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