SCSD#2 Receives Best School Ranking

Sheridan County School District #2 held a special Board Meeting on October 26, at the Central Office Board Room.
There was one recognition. Kristie Garriffa reported that SCSD#2 was ranked #1 of K-12 schools of similar size in Wyoming by 2023 Best School Rankings.
Garriffa spoke to the board about how they rank the schools.

Douglas Moore was sworn in by Chairman Sue Wilson as a new board member to take the place of Shellie Szmyd, who is moving out the district. Moore will serve until the new board members are seated. Trustee Wayne Schatz was voted in to serve as the new clerk.
Rebecca Adsit talked about board meeting schedule revision, moving the teacher round table from April to Jan. 23. The board approved the change.
Kasey Garnhart, activities director, asked the board to approve a new Girls’ Wrestling Program, saying that 43 schools in Wyoming currently have a girl’s wrestling team. He added that SCSD#2 has an exceptional coach in Marcie Lane, who wrestled on the women’s team in the 2008 Olympic Games. So far 14 girls have expressed interest in being a part of the team. The board voted to approve the new sports team

Superintendent Scott Stults asked for the boards approval to pursue the possibility of having conversations (SEEDA), Sheridan Economic and Education Development Authority.
The board approved for Stults to continue talking with SEEDA, and he will report back to the board.
The board adjourned executive session to discuss personnel matters, and to consider or receive information classified as confidential by law.
Next regular meeting will be held on Nov. 14 at 6 p.m., and a legislative round table will be held on Nov. 21 at noon.