Senator Barrasso Discusses the Importance of Midterm Elections

The midterm elections are less than a month away and they will determine which party will control the House and Senate for the last two years of President Joe Biden’s term in office. U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-WY) said the upcoming midterm elections are critically important locally and nationally.
Barrasso said the record high inflation is one of the major issues facing our country moving forward.
The September Consumer Price Index released last week showed that inflation has risen 13.5 percent since Joe Biden took office in January 2021.

Ray Olson
October 19, 2022 at 11:08 pm
The timing is curious, on Tuesday Katie Porter (D-Ca) held a hearing on the economy, on Wednesday Barrasso comes forward with a statement laying all the blame for inflation at Biden’s feet. But let’s return to that Tuesday meeting where Porter pressed Mike Konczal, Director of Economic Analysis for the Roosevelt Institute to admit that the primary driver of rising prices in this cycle is corporate profits which have risen at a rate that accounts for 51% of current inflation. Yes, government spending can cause inflation, but it can be a necessary spur to avoid recession in troubled times (anyone who has tried to refute Keynes has ended up with egg on his face). Rising wages can cause inflation, but since prices are rising faster than wages that can’t be the primary cause. If inflation were around 4% nobody would be in a panic, but it’s 8% plus because corporate greed is laid on top of government efforts to offset the effects of supply chain failures and foreign wars. If you need a quick fact check note that crude oil prices have returned to pre pandemic lows (there’s plenty of supply) but the price of gas is inching up again. When someone tells you who he is believe him, and Barrasso has clearly told us whose side he’s on.
Thomas Jones
October 20, 2022 at 9:15 am
The transition to unreliable green energy is the problem, ray. Its what your party leadership has been crowing about over the last many years. If you havent noticed, diesel prices have not come down in price. Thats what delivers your goods to the store. Since you like to quote CA, perhaps you should move there, that is unless you are already from there.
Ray Olson
October 20, 2022 at 11:25 am
If you can’t stay on topic why bother to sign in just to beg the question? It’s gotten really boring.r
Thomas Jones
October 20, 2022 at 1:06 pm
Perhaps you lost track of the topic, ray. This is what dear leader just stated the other day, ray: ‘We should put them in jail!’ Joe Biden wants to prosecute fossil fuel executives for environmental damage. This is on top of what he, and his administration, have been saying about “NO MORE DRILLING”, and “WE WILL END THE USE OF FOSSIL FUELS! Now why would those mean ol’ greedy oil companies want to invest in refineries with rhetoric like that? Sorry that you were lied to by a biden loving democrat, ray. It pays to get all of the facts before you toot.
Ray Olson
October 20, 2022 at 6:25 pm
It pays even better to read the post- oil prices are down to pre-pandemic levels proving that there is an adequate supply of oil, the rise in prices of fuel is a direct result of corporate greed. not free market pricing- notice how all the gas stations in town have virtually the same prices – there is no free market and it’s about time we looked at a wind fall profits tax. On second thought maybe you should keep wearing the tin foil hat, it’s probably the only thing that keeps you from floating into the stratosphere. And yes, I am a “new comer ” to Wyoming I came here in 1971, before the dancing monkeys took over the state government. You suggested that I should leave Wyoming, I have a counter offer, why don’t you and Rick Scott and Trump et all move to England where the new government under Lizz Truss implemented all of the policies that Maga in America espouses, oh, wait a minute it’s too late.After four weeks she was thrown out of office because the polices you support crashed the English economy. It pays to get all the facts before you run your mouth.
Fred Osborn
October 20, 2022 at 7:07 am
Oh gee…No doubt what will be discussed…more of the same old repo rhetoric which NEVER does any better a job than the dimorats. America seriously needs a whitewashing.
Thomas Jones
October 20, 2022 at 9:22 am
Sorry john, you, and your leader mitch are also responsible for the inflation because you and mitch voted for it. Did you think that your constituents forgot that YOU voted to help the democrats raise the debt ceiling? I didnt, and Ill help folks remember that as well. I look forward to voting against you in the near future.
Fred Osborn
December 10, 2022 at 8:29 am
News flash…what happened to the “red wave” y’all were crowing about? Like crow?