SO asks public to keep a heads-up around school buses

While appearing on Sheridan Media’s Public Pulse program, Sheridan County Sheriff’s Office Sergeant Devereaux Johnson and Detective Boot Hill, told listeners with the beginning of the school year, buses will be out picking children up and returning them home.
Hill is the former School Resource Officer for the Sheriff’s Office before receiving a promotion to Detective Inspector. During his time as the SRO, Hill said he had to view footage from stop-arm cameras that are installed on the buses in Sheridan County.
The SO reminded listeners to be patient when following a school bus, to allow more time to reach their destination. The law states if drivers are on a two lane road, regardless of which direction they’re traveling, when the school bus activates its red flashing lights, drivers are required to stop. Drivers must stop before reaching the school bus and remain stopped until the red lights are turned off or the bus continues driving down the road.
Hill was reading from W.S. 31-5-929. Violation carries a $450.00 fine.
According to Johnson, if the identity of the driver of a vehicle that violates this section is unknown, the registered owner of the vehicle recorded by a video system as provided in this subsection shall be fined $195.