Administrators Talk about First Days of School at SCSD#1

On Tuesday, Aug. 23, the administrators from SCSD#1 schools gave brief reports to the Board of Trustees on how the first days of school are going.
Reports were positive, with all the administrators saying they were excited about the upcoming school year. Presenters were Laurel Main, Special Education director and ELL Coordinator; Lee Zimmer, curriculum director; Jeremy Smith, business manager. Principals from the Tongue River Schools also spoke, they are Kathy Powers, BHE; Brian Lawson, BHMS; Al Sparkman, BHHS; Colby Lynch, TRHS; Jeff Jones, TRMS; Fred Hollingshead, CSVA; and Ryan Fuhrman, TRE.

Laurel Main, Special Education director and ELL Coordinator, said the year is starting out very well.
Lee Zimmer, curriculum director said she is getting the feel of the school. “We’re pretty excited about where we are headed. We are excited about the year.”
Kathy Powers, Big Horn Elementary Principal, said that it has been a great start for the year. And that Big Horn Elementary has about 20 to 25 new kids, she said the numbers still allow Big Horn to be a small school.
Brian Lawson BHMS principal had this report from the Middle School,
He added that he was also excited about some of the tools they have at their disposal this year.
Ryan Fuhrman, new principal at TRE, commented on the energy in the classrooms.
Jeff Jones, TRMS, said he felt that the staff is all pulling in the same direction,
Big Horn High School Principal Al Sparkman talked about how the first day went at BHHS.
Fred Hollingshead gave a report on the CSVA, he said that last August there were 120 kids enrolled and this year there are 150.
Colby Lynch, TRHS principal, said that the first days there were going well,
Jeremy Smith, Business Manager, presented the 2022 budget amendment to the board, and said the school was doing well financially. He also explained the number system in the budget, so that the monies are allocated to the right program.

Clint Krumm and Eric Lofgren will be the delegates to the WSB for 2022.
Lofgren gave a report on the Little Blue School, which is now painted white, and said a lot of ‘man hours’ went into doing the upkeep. He added the Dayton Benefit Club would clean the inside of the building.

Superintendent Pete Kilbride said that he felt the first two days of school went very well, and he was looking forward to a great year at SCSD#1.