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Sheridan WYO Rodeo Break Away Contestant List | 2024

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CECOMM # 600293 SHERIDAN , WY 7/10/2024- 7/13/2024

CONT # Contestant Name Contestant Home Town Events Entered

. Gilbert, Sawyer Buffalo, SD * DRAWN OUT *

  1. Allenbrand, Timber Paola, KS GB
  2. Angelone, Martha Stephenville, TX GB
  3. Angelone, Sarah Lipan, TX GB
  4. Baggarley, Nicole Las Cruces, NM GB
  5. Balkenbush, Makenna Sheridan, WY GB
  6. Bates, Bailey Tohatchi, NM GB
  7. Bauman, Brighton Burleson, TX GB
  8. Beam, MaryBeth Poetry, TX GB
  9. Bedke, Zoie Oakley, ID GB
  10. Biever, Shaya Claresholm, AB GB
  11. Boisjoli-Meged, Shelby Miles City, MT GB
  12. Boisjoli, Makayla Calgary, AB GB
  13. Braudrick, Christi Caddo, OK GB
  14. Brennan, McKenna Springtown, TX GB
  15. Brennise, Kinlie Craig, CO GB
  16. Brill, Nikayla Summerdale, AL GB
  17. Brown, Montana Centerville, TX GB
  18. Callaway, Anna Billings, MT GB
  19. Campbell, Elsie Riverton, WY GB
  20. Christian, Carly Oakley, ID * DRAWN OUT *
  21. Churchill, KC-Gail Waco, TX GB
  22. Collmorgen, K.L. Lysite, WY GB
  23. Conner, Josie Iowa, LA GB
  24. Crawford, Jackie Stephenville, TX GB
  25. Crozier, Jonee Buffalo, WY GB
  26. Deerman, Maddy Hope, NM GB
  27. Dennison, Kassidy Tohatchi, NM GB
  28. Domer, Kelsie Dublin, TX GB
  29. Engesser, Taylor Spearfish, SD GB
  30. Fanning, Rickie Spearfish, SD GB
  31. Faris, Abbea Laramie, WY GB
  32. Flynn, Ari-Anna Charleston, AR GB
  33. Fulton, Samantha Miller, SD GB
  34. Garman, Peggy Sundance, WY GB
  35. George, Rylee A Oakdale, CA GB
  36. Good, Bradi Abilene, TX GB
  37. Grant, Rayne Wheatland, WY GB
  38. Gray, TiAda Portales, NM GB
  39. Guy, Lari Dee Abilene, TX GB
  40. Hadley, Nicole Goodland, KS GB
  41. Hall, Shayla Belle Fourche, SD GB
  42. Hampton, J J Stephenville, TX GB
  43. Hanchey, Taylor Carmine, TX GB
  44. Hickson, McKenna Casper, WY GB
  45. Holeman, Lacy Carpenter, WY GB
  46. Hollabaugh, Jordan Jo Springtown, TX GB
  47. Hutto, Amber North Zulch, TX GB
  48. Johnson, Erin Fowler, CO GB
  49. Johnston, Tana Kersey, CO GB
  50. Jolly, Katie Deer Trail, CO GB
  51. Ladner, Brooke Poplarville, MS GB
  52. Lambert, Chloe Fallon, NV GB
  53. Lowman, Danielle Gilbert, AZ GB
  54. Mader, Mandy Buffalo, WY GB
  55. McAdow, Devan Littleton, CO GB
  56. McAdow, Taya Fort Lupton, CO GB
  57. McCartney, Cheyanne Kingston, OK GB
  58. McNamee, Jordyn Laramie, WY GB
  59. Miller, Aspen Santa Fe, TX GB
  60. Miller, Jessie Fort Lupton, CO GB
  61. Montgomery, Sara Worden, WY GB
  62. Munsell, Taylor Alva, OK GB
  63. Napp, Shiloh Enterprise, MS GB
  64. Outhier, Madison Utopia, TX GB
  65. Patterson, Bailey Pendleton, OR GB
  66. Peterson, Beau Council Grove, KS GB
  67. Pierson, Kendal Wardlow, AB GB
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    6/19/24 16:15:32

CECOMM # 600293 SHERIDAN , WY 7/10/2024- 7/13/2024

CONT # Contestant Name Contestant Home Town Events Entered

  1. Rice, Jennifer Buffalo, WY GB
  2. Richards, Madalyn Hereford, TX GB
  3. Rouleau, Tieggan Buffalo, WY GB
  4. Shepherd, Braylee Fitzhugh, OK GB
  5. Shoemaker, Kassandra Grover, CO GB
  6. Spratt, Coralee Shoshoni, WY GB
  7. Stewart, Kirsty Riverton, WY GB
  8. Sullivan, Quincy Peralta, NM GB
  9. Tanner, Jill Stephenville, TX GB
  10. Terrell, Amanda LaSalle, CO GB
  11. Thiel, Alie Eaton, CO GB
  12. Thompson, Hope Abilene, TX GB
  13. Verhelst, Sarah Pryor, MT GB
  14. Webb, Tacy Midway, TX GB
  15. Weil, Addie Commerce, TX GB
  16. Williams, Cadee Weatherford, TX GB
  17. Williams, Hali Comanche, TX GB
  18. Williams, Joey Volberg, MT GB
  19. Williams, Suzanne Standish, CA GB
  20. Winchell, Libby Casper, WY GB
  21. Winchell, Shelby Scottsbluff, NE GB
  22. York, Maci Wellington, CO GB
  23. Young, Macy Wittmann, AZ GB
  24. Schieck, Tiffany Floresville, TX GB
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