Dynamic Messaging Signs Installed On US Highway 14 and 16

Motorists that drive through the Big Horn Mountain range will get an early notice if the main roads are closed.
The Wyoming Department of Transportation recently installed a dynamic messaging sign on both US Highway 14 and 16 on the east side of the mountains.
Motorists going westbound on 14, will see the sign as they go past Tongue River High School, while motorists on westbound 16, will see the sign near the tire chain up area, in front of the westbound closure gate.
The signs were installed to inform travelers of conditions or closures on the 2 mountain passes and are one of many ways that the WYDOT traffic program uses to promote road safety and awareness.
A 30-day testing period of the signs will begin this coming Wednesday (March 2nd).
Motorists will see the message “test” on the sign as WYDOT tries to make sure they are working and can be managed remotely.
Once the testing period is over, the signs will be used to inform travelers of road conditions, traffic alerts, closures and other relevant messages.

Mike J McLaughlin
February 28, 2022 at 8:10 pm
More money…… Wyoming has Lots, and Lots, and LOTS of money!
Scott Thomas
March 1, 2022 at 10:04 am
well spent unless you want to drive all the way up to the Hazleton Rd to find out the pass is closed. but keep whining.
Mike J McLaughlin
March 1, 2022 at 2:03 pm
if you are going to drive up that way in the middle of a snow storm, you deserve to be turned back……… can’t fix stupid.
David Cook
March 1, 2022 at 11:02 am
Spending more money!! But it’s interesting that the signs are both placed on the east side of the Big Horns, that’s insulting.