Sheridan City Council Supports SEEDA Regarding Business Park Plans

The Sheridan City Council is offering its support to explore the possibility of either expanding the High-Tech Business Park or building another one.
In a 4-to-3 vote at Monday’s council meeting, the council offered a resolution of support behind the Sheridan Economic and Educational Development Authority’s objective to obtain a grant for a feasibility study for the second phase of the business park.
The proposed $20,000 grant would come from the Wyoming Business Council, with SEEDA providing $6,500 in matching funds.
Currently there is about 4.5 acres still available at the 38.5 acre park in North Sheridan.
SEEDA Executive Director Robert Briggs says because the city of Sheridan is a part of SEEDA, the resolution was needed for the grant application.
He adds the current business park has bore fruit, now it’s just an issue of can the city get more by either expanding the park, or start work on a new one.
“The SEEDA board and their strategic planning has determined that project ready property has been a definite benefit and a boon to the community in terms of recruiting business, helping businesses to expand and working particularly with our local manufacturers to create an investment opportunity.”
At a recent special SEEDA meeting, members of SEEDA said they hope to have the Phase 2 feasibility study completed by August of next year, and a housing study to be completed by the end of this year.