SCSD1 trustees consider adding ‘carrot’ to resignation policy

The policy has long existed in Sheridan County School District 1 that if a member of the district’s professional staff resigns before the end of his or her contract, that person would be assessed a fee.
District 1 Superintendent Pete Kilbride said that’s been the district’s “stick.” But now, he said, trustees are looking at adding a “carrot” to the policy as well.
He said if the individual gave notice during the month of January, the stipend would be $500.
He said such early notice gives the district time to plan its budget for the following year – which is particularly important right now, he said, when the district is looking at possible budget cuts.
Kilbride presented the idea to trustees at their work session earlier this week, and the policy change is scheduled for first reading at the school board’s regular meeting later this month. That meeting is set for Feb. 16 at the district’s central office in Ranchester.
\If approved at that time, the policy would be given second and final reading at the board’s meeting in March.