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Work-Based Learning Addressed at SCSD#3 Board Meeting

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The SCSD#3 board held their monthly meeting on Wednesday, March 5 at the A/C School. The board heard a presentation from Betsy Mack, 7-12 English teacher, on the work-based learning initiative, where students can earn English credits while working at a job.

She talked about her objective with the class.

Mack explained about some of assessments the students can complete for the credit.

Superintendent Chase Christensen added this,

He added that several other school districts are planning on putting it into effect as well, but Betsy Mack is leading the way.

Loyce Ellingrod, A/C Guidance Counselor, talked to the board about You Science, work-based learning and ELA. She said that she is on a job coaching team with all four districts and Whitney Benefits.

In the action items segment of the agenda, the board moved to accept a letter of resignation from Abigail Mueller, Ag teacher and FFA advisor, and approve the posting of the Ag-Ed position. They also approved to issue a call for bids for 2 more new half-ton multiple passenger vehicles, with 4WD and rated to carry 8 or 9 passengers. Transportation Director Mike Guyer said the transportation department needs the new vehicles, as the existing vehicles are having a lot of issues due to age and mileage.

The Greenhouse Ribbon Cutting will be held on March 18 at 5 p.m. at the Clearmont School Greenhouse, and all are welcome to come to the ribbon cutting and enjoy refreshments. The next community lunch will be held on April 2 at 11:30 a.m.

There will be a Spring Sing-Along and Spaghetti Dinner on March 13 in the multi-purpose room at the school. Tickets are on sale for $10, but those interested should contact the school by today, March 6, at 307-758-4412.

There will be a community listening session on April 22 at 6 p.m. One topic on the agenda will be the new bleachers and new paint on the gym walls.

The school board trustees discussed creating a board Facebook page.

There was a discussion about the HB0172, repealing of gun free zones. This is an ongoing discussion.

Christensen also thanked the board for their work for the school, “You are doing a fantastic job as a board,” he said.

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