Big game applications open for 2025-26 hunting season

The Wyoming Game and Fish have announced applications are open to hunt this year in Wyoming.
Elk, deer, pronghorn, moose, bighorn sheep, mountain goat and spring turkey applications opened Jan. 2. The deadline to apply for licenses varies based on residency and species:
Nonresident elk: Jan. 31
Resident and nonresident spring turkey: Jan. 31
Resident and nonresident moose, bighorn sheep and mountain goat: April 30
Resident and nonresident deer and pronghorn: May 31
Resident elk: May 31
According to the Department, nonresident elk applicants can modify or withdraw their applications through May 8. Wild bison applications open March 1 and close April 30. Fall turkey, trapping, sandhill crane and Springer pheasant applications open April 1 and close June 2.
Applicants are encouraged to utilize the Game and Fish website to plan their hunts before applying, including the Hunt Planner and drawing odds. Hunters can learn more about the draw, including ways to leverage their first, second and third choice licenses, in the Wyoming Wildlife magazine article Understanding the Draw.

Jamie Quesenberry
January 23, 2025 at 6:53 pm
When is the bull elk season in missoula Montana for non residents
Jacob Pettit
February 3, 2025 at 1:27 am
I like to kill something bigger than I have killed in my y