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Barrasso: ‘Biden’s Open Border is to Blame for Fentanyl Deaths’

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At a recent Senate Finance Committee hearing titled “Front Lines of the Fentanyl Crisis: Supporting Communities and Combating Addiction through Prevention and Treatment”, U.S. Senator John Barrasso (R-WY) discussed how the Biden administration’s open-border agenda is escalating the fentanyl crisis across the country. Barrasso said he’s truly alarmed by the fentanyl crisis that is facing our nation.

u.s. senator john barrasso

Senator Barrasso said since President Biden took office, nearly 10 million illegal immigrants have crossed the border.

u.s. senator john barrasso

During the hearing Barrasso also touched on improving rural access to fentanyl recovery health care and protecting Wyoming’s Native American populations that are targeted by Mexican drug cartels.



  1. Avatar photo

    Fred Osborn

    May 25, 2024 at 10:52 am

    BS. The blame lies on the millions of fools who use the junk…you should know all about supply side economics.

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    Kirstie Auzqui

    May 25, 2024 at 2:57 pm

    So why doesn’t the Republicans in Washington DC put together a bipartisan bill and close the border? Oh, I forgot your “leader” says don’t sign the bipartisan bill because we want this topic to win the election with.
    Put your party affiliation aside and get to work!

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