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Superintendent of Public Instruction Launches Curriculum Transparency Initiative

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State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Megan Degenfelder and the Wyoming Department of Education (WDE) have launched the Curriculum Transparency page on the Department of Education’s website as outlined in the 2023-2027 Strategic Plan. The webpage will directly link to similar curricular transparency pages on participating district websites.

Superintendent Degenfelder said in a media release that after campaigning across the state and being a year into office, transparency remains central to their mission and parents and communities deserve to know what is being taught in their schools and it is not an easy process to create user-friendly transparency into curriculum and materials. However, Degenfelder added that with the teamwork of many superintendents around the state and their team at the Department of Education, they continue to make progress on the issue, and she’s  proud of the work that they’ve accomplished so far.

Anyone can use this online resource to quickly access their district’s primary resources such as textbooks and understand their alignment to Wyoming K-12 State Standards. Sheridan County School District #2 was one of eight school districts in the state that collaborated with the Department of Education on the initiative.

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