2 years agoon
cvannoyThe Clearmont Town Council met on Monday, March 20, with four guests, Sheriff Levi Dominguez, Amy Rowe, Cheryl Roebling, and Wayne Dunkin.
Rowe asked for the council’s help for the upcoming Clearmont Day on June 24.
Roebling added that the Clearmont Day took a lot of work, and volunteers were always needed for the event, and any help would be appreciated.
The town also approved $500 for flowers for the town, and the Women’s Club will purchase the flowers and take care of them over the summer.
Mayor Chris Schock asked John Kiser, maintenance man, about Well #3. Kiser said that the water is still clearing up, and it may take some time. The council also discussed putting a new meter at the pump house, as the current meter is very old. Pete Bassett, maintenance man, reported that a new meter would cost $3824. The council moved to order the new meter.
Schock said he had talked with the SLIB board about extending the loan payments for the water well loan, stretching them over five or ten years instead of paying the loan back in a lump sum. He said it was looking positive that this would happen.
He did add that if the town wanted to take advantage of the 50% loan principal forgiveness, the interest on the loan would have to be paid.
Schock added about a grant the town recently received.
An on-going topic of discussion was the vacating of land for the school to install a bulk gas tank for the school buses. There will be a public hearing on the vacating of the land on April 17.
The council discussed the upcoming WAM convention, Shock and Jennifer Betz were appointed as a voting delegate and alternate to the convention.
The council also approved the Sheridan County Emergency Management Plan. Schock said the plan covers nearly every emergency that could arise in Sheridan County, and how to deal with it.
He added that it also covered train derailments as well.
Next meeting will be April 17 at 6 p.m.