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Greater sage-grouse Executive Order updates meeting scheduled for Feb. 28 in Cheyenne

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CHEYENNE, Wyo. – The office of Governor Mark Gordon in conjunction with State of Wyoming agencies are hosting a Greater sage-grouse public outreach meeting at 10 am on  February 28th in Cheyenne. The meeting is the first in a series of statewide meetings to share important information about Greater sage-grouse management policies in Wyoming under Governor Gordon’s Executive Order (EO) 2019-3 “Greater sage-grouse Core Area Protection Strategy,” which was signed last August. The meeting will provide the public with an opportunity to gain in-depth understanding of Greater sage-grouse management directives in Wyoming. It will also be an opportunity for interaction with state and federal agencies regarding implementation of the EO.  The meeting will take place at the office of the Department of Workforce Services, 5221 Yellowstone Rd. Additional meetings are tentatively expected to be held in Casper, Riverton, Buffalo and Rock Springs. Dates and locations of future meetings will be announced later this spring.
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